Post Pregnancy Recovery Dos and Dont's for New Moms

Post Pregnancy Recovery: Do’s and Don’ts’s for New Moms

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Historically, the rules and customs followed after childbirth varied considerably across cultures and regions. These practices were often based on traditional beliefs, social norms, and practical considerations of the time. However these practices have evolved over the years, and modern medical knowledge and advancements have led to changes in postpartum care. Here are some examples of procedures that were followed in the olden days after childbirth:


1.Dietary Restrictions and Special Diets:

Specific dietary restrictions and special foods were often prescribed to aid in postpartum recovery. These foods were believed to help replenish lost nutrients, increase milk supply, and promote healing. For example, certain herbs, broths, and soups were commonly consumed.

2.Rest and Seclusion:

In many cultures, new mothers were traditionally encouraged to rest and recover in seclusion for a certain period after childbirth. This seclusion period could last for several weeks or even months. The idea was to protect the mother and newborn from outside influences and potential illnesses.


3.Massage and Body Treatments:

Massage and other body treatments were used to help new mothers relax, improve circulation, and relieve postpartum discomfort. These practices varied widely depending on the culture and were often aimed at restoring the body's balance.


4.Belly Binding:

Some cultures practiced belly binding, where a cloth or bandage was wrapped tightly around the abdomen of the new mother. This was believed to provide support to the abdominal muscles, help with uterus contraction, and promote a faster recovery.


5.Herbal Remedies:

Herbal remedies were commonly used to address various postpartum concerns, such as pain, swelling, and hormonal changes. Different cultures had their own specific herbs and preparations.


6.Avoiding Cold and Wind:

In certain cultures, new mothers were advised to avoid exposure to cold air, wind, and cold water during the postpartum period. This was thought to prevent illnesses and maintain the body's warmth.


7.Assistance from Female Relatives:

In many societies, female relatives and elders played a crucial role in taking care of the new mother and baby during the postpartum period. They provided support, advice, and assistance with household chores.


8.Religious and Spiritual Practices:

Many cultures incorporated religious and spiritual practices into postpartum care. Rituals, blessings, and ceremonies were often performed to celebrate the birth and protect the mother and baby.


While some of these practices may have had cultural or historical significance, not all of them were based on scientific evidence. Modern medical knowledge and advancements have led to a better understanding of postpartum care, and medical professionals now provide guidance based on evidence-based practices for the health and well-being of both the mother and the newborn.


Postpartum Care and Recovery:

Post-pregnancy recovery can vary between a normal vaginal delivery (also known as a vaginal birth) and a cesarean section (C-section). Both methods of childbirth have their own set of challenges and recovery processes. It's important to note that every individual's experience can differ based on factors such as overall health, the specific circumstances of the birth, and personal preferences. Let us take an overview of the recovery process for both types of deliveries:



1RecoveryRecovery from a vaginal birth tends to be quicker compared to a C-section.Recovery from a C-section generally takes longer due to the surgical nature of the procedure.
2.Physical RecoveryVaginal delivery generally involves a shorter hospital stay and less pain compared to a C-section. Many women experience soreness, swelling, and discomfort in the vaginal and perineal area (the area between the vagina and anus). Stitches or tears may require some time to heal.C-section recovery involves healing from a surgical incision on the abdomen. This incision requires proper care and monitoring to prevent infection. Pain and discomfort at the incision site are common and may require pain medication.
3Hospital StayWomen who undergo vaginal delivery need not stay at the hospital for a long time unless any health issues are faced by the patient,Women who undergo a C-section typically have a longer hospital stay compared to those who have a vaginal birth. This is to ensure proper healing and to monitor for any potential complications.
4MobilityWomen who have a vaginal birth are often able to move around more easily and may be able to resume light activities sooner.Initially, movement might be limited due to the surgical incision. Slowly, walking and other light activities can be resumed, but heavy lifting and strenuous exercises should be avoided for several weeks.
5Postpartum BleedingVaginal bleeding (lochia) is normal after childbirth and can last for a few weeks. The flow gradually decreases and changes in color.Similar to vaginal delivery, some postpartum bleeding is normal, but it may be slightly lighter and shorter in duration after a C-section.
6ExerciseDepending on the individual's overall health and any complications, light exercise and physical activity can often be resumed after a few weeks.light exercises are done after the doctor's approval like gentle walking and pelvic floor exercises can be done. Gradually progressing to more strenuous activities to aid recovery.
7Urinary And Bowel FunctionIt's common for some women to experience temporary urinary incontinence or difficulty with bowel movements after a vaginal birth. These issues usually improve within a few weeks.urinary and bowel function may temporarily be affected due to surgery, anesthesia, and medications, gradually improving as healing progresses.
8Pain ManagementPain management in normal delivery includes relaxation techniques, breathing exercises, position changes, and pain relief options like epidurals or medications as needed.Pain at the incision site can be managed with prescribed pain medications. Over-the-counter pain relievers might be recommended after the initial recovery period.
10Incision CareIn normal delivery incision care involves keeping the vaginal and perineal area clean, using gentle cleansing methods, and monitoring for healing and discomfort.To prevent infection the incision must be kept clean and dry. Women are advised to avoid baths and use only gentle, unscented soap to clean the area.


It is crucial to prepare yourself before and after delivery.  The delivery might be planned or unexpected sometimes. Thus, pre-postpartum planning would ensure proper care, support, and a smooth transition for both mother and baby and seeking medical advice when in doubt or if experiencing any concerning symptoms is essential. Antenatal education helps understand childbirth, Individuals can follow the recommendations provided by their healthcare for postpartum care and recovery, regardless depending upon the type of delivery. Every person's recovery experience can vary.


Education helps new parents navigate the postpartum period more confidently and promotes a healthy recovery for both mother and baby. Visit and book your appointment for a safe pregnancy journey and delivery. The healthcare professionals at Harsha hospitals educate you about postpartum recovery like physical healing, emotional well-being, breastfeeding, newborn care, and when to seek medical attention.


The Harsha hospitals provide comprehensive medical care and support for women's reproductive health and well-being.

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