What Is Endometriosis and How Can It Be Diagnosed and Managed

What Is Endometriosis and How Can It Be Diagnosed and Managed

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Endometriosis is a condition in which tissue comparable to the uterine lining develops outside the uterus. It can cause significant pelvic discomfort and make pregnancy more difficult. Endometriosis can begin with a woman's first menstrual cycle and continue until menopause. Endometriosis is a condition in which tissue comparable to the uterine lining develops outside the uterus. This causes inflammation and scar tissue to grow in the pelvic area and, in rare cases, elsewhere in the body. Endometriosis causes endometrial-like tissue to develop on other organs or tissues. This tissue might develop in your belly, pelvis, and possibly your chest. This tissue is sensitive to hormones and might develop inflamed throughout your menstrual cycle. These patches of endometrial-like tissues in the body can create ovarian cysts, superficial lesions, deeper nodules, adhesions, and scar tissue.


Symptoms of Endometriosis:

Endometriosis frequently causes significant pelvic discomfort, especially during menstruation. Some people experience discomfort when having sex or using the loo. Some people have difficulty becoming pregnant. Some women with endometriosis have no symptoms. A typical symptom for people who do is soreness in the bottom area of the belly. The following symptoms of pain may be the most noticeable during periods, sex and even while urinating.


Some other symptoms includes:


  • Heavy bleeding during periods
  • Bloating
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Abdominal pain
  • Infertility
  • Painful bowel movements
Causes of Endometriosis:

Endometriosis has no recognised cause. Endometriosis causes tissue identical to the lining of your uterus to develop in the incorrect locations. It can produce painful symptoms when it forms on the exterior of your uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, intestine, or within your pelvic cavity. This discomfort is caused by increased inflammation, as well as fibrosis and adhesions. However, there are a few suggestions as to what may be causing it:


  • Endometrial tissues are carried to other sections of the body via the blood or lymphatic systems, similar to how cancer cells can spread throughout the body.
  • Endometrial cells may adhere to the walls of the abdomen or other regions of the body during surgery, such as a C-section or hysterectomy.
  • During a woman's period, endometrial tissue enters the fallopian tubes and abdomen rather than departing the body.
  • Endometriosis appears to afflict certain families more frequently than others, suggesting a hereditary link to the disorder.


Diagnosis and Treatment of Endometriosis:

In many circumstances, the symptoms you have will lead to an endometriosis diagnosis. You may contact your healthcare practitioner if you are experiencing painful or heavy periods. When you arrive for your consultation, your provider may question you about your personal medical history, prior pregnancies, and whether anybody else in your family has endometriosis. A pelvic exam may be performed by your physician. If your doctor requires additional information, he or she will most likely order pelvic imaging, beginning with an ultrasound.


Treatment options:

Your healthcare professional will assist you in developing an endometriosis treatment plan based on a number of criteria, including:


  • The degree of severity of your endometriosis
  • Your future pregnancy intentions
  • Age
  • The intensity of your symptoms

In many circumstances, your treatment approach will be centered on controlling your discomfort and enhancing your fertility. Medication and surgery can be used to do this. Medications are frequently used to help treat endometriosis symptoms. Below are 2 types of treatment options for Endometriosis


Laparoscopy Surgery:

A sort of surgical procedure that is minimally invasive is laparoscopy. It sees into the belly using a small, narrow camera called a laparoscope and just minor incisions. General anesthesia is used for this surgery. That is, you will be unconscious during the treatment and will not experience any discomfort. To remove endometrial-like tissue, the surgeon may choose one of the following surgical techniques:


Surgical removal:

The tissue is removed during an excision.



The tissue is destroyed during an ablation by freezing, heating, electricity, or laser beams.


  • During this procedure; Your stomach will be inflated with gas in order for the surgeon to look into your abdomen.
  • The surgeon will make a few minor incisions around your navel. A lighted laparoscope will be inserted through one incision. Surgical tools will be put via the remaining incisions.
  • The surgeon will take out as much tissue from organs as feasible, including the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and rectum. A portion of these tissues may be sent to a lab for analysis.
  • The surgeon will additionally eliminate any scar tissue in the organs mentioned above. Finally, your incisions will be closed by the surgeon.


Laparotomy  Surgery for Endometriosis:

Laparotomy is sometimes referred to as open surgery. This is a major abdominal operation with bigger incisions than laparoscopy. Laparotomy, like laparoscopy, is performed under general anesthesia, which means you'll be resting and won't experience any discomfort during the procedure. Endometriosis is seldom treated with a laparotomy. However, it is conceivable that it will be utilized if your endometriosis is widespread or if your doctor wants to remove sections of endometriosis that are difficult to view using laparoscopy.


  • During this surgical procedure your lower abdomen will be incised by the surgeon.
  • The surgeon will eliminate endometrial or damaged tissue from organs such as the ovaries, bladder, fallopian tubes, and rectum using surgical instruments.
  • At the completion of the surgery, your incision will be closed by the surgeon.


Endometriosis can be a challenging condition to manage, but with the right treatment plan, most women can achieve significant symptom relief and maintain their quality of life. It is essential for women to seek medical attention if they are experiencing any concerning symptoms to receive a proper diagnosis and access to effective treatments. If you are experiencing endometriosis and looking for treatment options, then do consult our experts from Harsha Hospitals, or just click here for a quick appointment.

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